
Security Token Issuance Plat­form for Securitize

Secu­ri­tize is full-stack tech­nol­o­gy solu­tion for issuers of dig­i­tal secu­ri­ties. The platform enables the com­pli­ant trad­ing of pri­vate secu­ri­ties on pub­lic blockchains and mul­ti­ple exchanges.

Learn more about our Fintech Development Services

Client Securitize
Services Software Blockchain
Technologies Angular .Net MySQL MongoDB
Project Description

The digital securities advantage

The Secu­ri­tize issuance plat­form is a proven, full-stack tech­nol­o­gy solu­tion for issuers of dig­i­tal secu­ri­ties. Every fea­ture has been devel­oped based on our cus­tomers’ needs, mak­ing the Secu­ri­tize plat­form the most mar­ket-aware solu­tion avail­able today.One of the most important and unique aspects of Securitize technology is the Digital Securities Protocol (DS Protocol). The DS Protocol allows for the compliant trading of tokens on secondary marketplaces, like Alternative Trading Systems (ATS) in the U.S., and many other global securities exchanges and marketplaces.

Target Audience

Target Audience

Compliant trading of tokens:

  • Exchanges
    The DS protocol enables cross-border transactions through its blockchain protocol and helps users trade securely on exchanges. Moreover, it allows users to manage their digital securities faster and more conveniently.
  • Investors
    Investors receive better service through improved efficiency, compliance, and cost. The platform allows both investors and issuers to work on the same dashboard conveniently

Implemented Solution

Implemented Solution

Issuance platform feature highlights


  • Investor Onboard­ing
  • Cred­it Card Processing
  • Investor Dash­board for Life­cy­cle Management
  • Option­al Two-Fac­tor-Authen­ti­ca­tion for Investors
  • Doc­u­ment Signing
  • KYC/AML Accred­i­ta­tion Qualification
  • Fund and Pay­out in Fiat and Crypto
  • Mul­ti-Blockchain sup­port
  • Issuer Admin Console
  • Real-Time Cap Table
  • Raise Per­for­mance Indicators
  • Ded­i­cat­ed Cus­tomer Support
  • Mul­ti­ple Issuance Management
  • And much more

I was very impressed by the quality of the team working on my projects. I would definetely select Ideasoft as my outsourcing provider again.

Mike Bergin VP of R&D at Securitize