
Non-custodial Wallet Development for Dollet

Dollet Wallet is a revolutionary product designed to empower users with effortless management of their holdings across multiple blockchain networks. With its advanced bridging mechanism it enables seamless exchange of digital assets among different blockchains.

The project’s core objective was the integration of DeFi strategies into a non-custodial crypto wallet. IdeaSoft main task was to develop a multi-chain wallet, an admin panel for DeFi strategies management along with customization of smart contract as per specific requirements.

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Client Dollet Wallet
Services Software Blockchain Mobile App Development (iOS and Android) UI/UX design
Technologies Back-End - Node.js and C# Front-End - React.js Blockchain - Solidity Mobile - Swift (iOS) Kotlin (Android)
Project Description

Project Overview

Dollet is a non-custodial mobile crypto wallet that supports ERC-20 standard tokens. Its fundamental functionalities include sending and receiving crypto assets along with additional integrated functions such as bridging, swapping, and purchasing crypto.

Additionally, the wallet allows for pool deposits across a range of networks and applies yield farming strategies for generating income for the holded assets. The app also features standard attributes like settings, biometrics, and notifications for enhanced user convenience.
Admin Panel allows to efficiently manage admin list and DeFi strategies’ lists. It alse features standard attributes like settings, biometrics, and notifications for enhanced user convenience.

Our achievement lies in the creation of a non-custodial crypto wallet, ensuring the secure storage of seed phrases within the device’s Keychain. The app streamlines processes for crypto transfers, farming pools investments, cryptocurrency purchases, and bridge-enabled exchanges.
The wallet provides third-party service integration to enable in-app exchange of crypto assets. The list of supported blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism.

The project encompasses the development of a comprehensive website and additional features, all designed to cultivate a seamless crypto ecosystem enriched with advanced DeFi capabilities. The ultimate goal is to harmonize and enhance DeFi experience within a user-centric crypto platform.

Target Audience

Target Audience

The wallet is designed for experienced crypto enthusiasts who understand cryptocurrencies and DeFi environment. With prior experience in utilizing diverse wallets and navigating the intricacies of DeFi platforms, they actively seek a secure and adaptable solution.

The second main target is frequent crypto users who do transactions on various blockchains and need cross-chain functionality. By offering a unified approach, this solution effectively addresses their requirement to manage multiple holdings without resorting to the use of numerous wallets.

Business Needs

Business Needs

  1. Multi-chain functionality: Allow users to manage crypto holdings across different blockchain networks without needing multiple wallets.
  2. Bridge functionality: Enable users to exchange digital assets between various blockchains seamlessly. Develop a secure and efficient asset exchange mechanism.
  3. DeFi integration: Create, test and develop yield farming strategies to generate income from the held assets. Develop and incorporate unique smart contract for yield farming functionality.
  4. ERC-20 standard tokens support: Support a wide range of ERC-20 standard tokens for enhanced asset diversity.
  5. User interface: Design an intuitive interface with essential functionalities accessible. Facilitate essential actions including sending, receiving, bridging, swapping, and purchasing crypto assets.
  6. Pool deposits: Enable users to deposit crypto assets into pools across multiple networks.
Implemented Solution

Implemented Solution

  • Basic wallet functionalities(native or integrated) include: sending, receiving, bridging, swapping, buying crypto, and receiving notifications;
  • Admin panel functionalities include: log in/log out, user registration, asset management, pool deposits, farming strategy management, adjustable settings, and network switching;
  • The Stargate API enables bridge functionality;
  • A pool investment smart contract is developed using Solidity within the Arbitrum network;
  • Keychain solution integration;
  • KYC functionality supported by Wert technology.


  • DeFi strategy administration dashboard: designing and implementing an admin panel for managing DeFi strategies combined with wallet functionality presents a significant challenge. The panel should provide seamless management over various strategies, monitoring their performance and ensuring secure access.
  • Product UX competitiveness: the challenge for developing Dollet lies in not only matching competitors’ features but consistently outpacing them in user experience (UX). As the landscape evolves swiftly, the wallet must stay attuned to the latest trends, while allowing for seamless incorporation of new functionalities.
  • Legal framework and intellectual property transfer: ensuring proper contractual agreements and seamless transfer of intellectual property rights is a critical challenge. The legal framework must be meticulously set up to protect both parties’ interests while enabling the smooth transition of intellectual property related to the project.
Delivery Time

Delivery Time

6 months

Team Size

Team Size

10 team members