
Development of Blockchain-based Eco-platform for Hoper

Introducing Hoper – blockchain-based eco-platform merging waste management and social networking. Designed to motivate communities in cleaning open spaces, users earn Hopercoin tokens for their efforts, redeemable for products and services from platform partners.

IdeaSoft worked on the overall platform development and blockchain side integration as well as tokenomics logic and community engagement system.

Client Hoper
Services UX Design Software Blockchain
Technologies React Node.js
Project Description

Project Overview

Hoper is a blockchain-based eco-platform built to bring people together to collect recyclable waste from open areas such as parks and neighborhoods. The platform combines waste management collection and a social network gathering people into communities. The primary mission behind the project is to encourage people to clean overstock trash and garbage around polluted spaces to provide safer environments. For this purpose, we created a reward system based on Hopercoin tokens. Platform users receive tokens for cleanup cases. Then they can exchange Hopercoin for the products and services offered by the platform partners and investors. 

Hoper is based on Ethereum using the ERC-20 token standard. Every platform user should have a MetaMask wallet for receiving, storing, and transferring tokens. The quantity of tokens per transaction is generated by calculating three items: types of waste, size of the package (small, medium, and large), and quantity of packages. Also, Hoper provides an exchange gateway with an easy-to-use interface for participating in Hoper’s donation and gift challenges. Hoper is available worldwide on the web. In the future, the Client plans to create mobile apps (Android and iOS).

A team of 8 specialists worked on the project, including PM, a business analyst, front-end and back-end developers, UX designer, and QA. We used Node.js and React to achieve high platform performance.

Target Audience

Target Audience

Bringing individuals and businesses together to help the planet fight pollution:

  • Partners/Sponsors

Local and international sellers have the opportunity to create cleanup events and participate as permanent Hoper partners by providing products/services to platform members that they can buy with Hopercoin. Thus, they contribute to cleaning and attracting new customers at the same time.

  • Donors

Donors can make a one-time or permanent donation of any amount, as well as provide users with items that they can purchase using Hopercoin. Also, donors have the opportunity to choose people and groups for sponsoring and keep in touch with them.

  • Individuals

Hoper is available to individuals around the world. Anyone can create an account, join the Hoper community and start to clean, protect and preserve local environments. Users can also create groups and organize the clean-up as they desire.

Implemented Solution

Implemented Solution

Simple interface for users and admins:


  • User’s Profile and Statistics Users can track personal statistics by cases, recycling points, challenge gifts, and period. Also, they have access to historical data cases and exchange tokens.
  • Case Management The user can create a new case by choosing a location using Google Maps and adding a photo of the location before and after cleaning. After the admin approves the case, the user receives tokens. Cases are available for editing and status tracking.
  • Friends This feature allows you to form a community within the platform. Users can donate through PayPal, and become a partner or sponsor.
  • Gift Challenges Challenges are created by partners on the admin side. A partner can organize a cleaning campaign with prizes, and the participant who scores the most points will receive a gift in addition to the tokens.
  • Locations This section helps users find recycling points using Google Maps. Also, the user can suggest creating a new recycling point if it hasn’t been added to the map yet. After approval by the admin assistant, the new point is available to all users.
  • Community Users can create discussions on the platform, find like-minded people, and organize joint events.
  • Events Users have the chance to create two types of events on the platform: general and charity. General events imply joint cleanings, for which participants receive tokens. Charity events are meant to help someone. For this type of event, a donation feature has been implemented.
  • News -The platform provides its users with news and additional tips on how to stay environmentally friendly.